So… as part of a plan for a new project—and in the interest of denying my gear lust, or at least lowering the cost associated with it some—I decided to buy a film camera instead of the D750. What did I buy? How did I decide? Read on to find out…
Category Archives: Gear
Fantastic. Grand.
As you might have gathered, I’ve recently gotten into film some…
the Lomo LCA, part 3
And I found some more quirks… And some more fun surprises too!
the Lomo LC-A, part 2
As mentioned before, the LC-A is a groovy little camera, and I have no regrets in picking it up. That said, it does have some quirks interesting features.
Pro Scan vs. Home Scan
Since I recently started “scanning” my own film at home, I wondered what differences—if any—could be found between my home processing and professional scanning services I got a year or more ago from BWC. A hint is above…
Scan-O-Matic 7000 mk II
I made a few errors with the first production version (mk-1) of the scanner bed: wrinkled tape around the scanning tube caused the negative carrier to skip and occasionally hang up the scanning bed was shorter than the negative carrier the single security flap was insufficient to keep the negative carrier on the scanner bed …
the Lomo LC-A: a review
A long and rambling overview of my first experience with and around the Lomo LC-A. More to come: I’ve put a few rolls through it since this first one, and will be sharing some pictures from those in the coming days or weeks.