Is there any difference between Polaroid 600 and iType, well, beyond the battery? Inquiring mind (mine) was mildly curious and I have two really fine, best of class Polaroid cameras on hand (the Mint SLR670-s and the Polaroid OneStep+), so I loaded up a couple of packs and got to shooting.
Category Archives: Photography
75-150? Meet 75-150
Nikon 75-150mm f/3.5 E Series? Meet Olympus 75-150mm f/4 Zuiko.
Some Fun with the Sprocket Rocket
One day back a few weeks ago, I walked past the camera shelf and the Sprocket Rocket caught my eye. Looking back in my tracker, I realized I hadn’t shot it in over two years, and so quickly loaded a roll of Lomo Color 400 to document the building of a new shed, and later …
Enter the Minuta Stereo (preproduction model)
It was an early, sleepy Monday morning, the first of February, 2021, and the year was off to a frustrating start, when I opened my email to find a note from Dominick Oczkowski, creator of the Minuta Stereo camera. I knew something of Oczkowski already, thanks to a podcast or something I saw on Twitter …
Continue reading “Enter the Minuta Stereo (preproduction model)”
Quick Walk with a Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim
I didn’t (and don’t) need another camera. Really and truly. I don’t. And then, one early morning, I noticed a Twitter post* claiming the Vivitar UWS to be the end all and be all, and 10 minutes later, I found one for a good-enough price on the ‘bay, and, well, here we are.
Street Pan in the Park?
If the film’s called “Street Pan,” is it appropriate to shoot the lone 120 roll you have, the one that came in the Camera Film Photo Advent calendar a few months back? Sure, why not?
First time with Rollei RPX 400
Last winter, I ordered up one of CameraFilmPhoto’s 120 Film Advent Calendars, and picked up a bunch of black & white film that I’d never shot in 120 before. Most of it is still in the fridge, but I took out two rolls a month or so ago, and Rollei RPX 400 was the first …