I finally picked up a gallon of Blue Bell it’s not my favorite flavor to be honest but Buttered Pecan’s still delicious so sweet and so cold
Category Archives: Phoneography
Compare/Contrast (4)
And not so on-the-heels of the last one, here’s another. With this one, I’m going to pause for a bit and move on to other things, InshaAllah.
Compare/Contrast (3)
Hot on the heels of the recent, failed attempt, here’s another one. Apologies, maybe, but I was having just too much fun I guess.
Compare/Contrast (2)
Well, it took me long enough. And, interestingly, I got similar results this time too: heavy handed, overcooked, garish. It’s too easy to go too far on a tiny little screen, methinks.
Hipstamatic 300 and the .aae ‘bug’
So Hipstamatic leveraged Apple’s .aae xml files to include develop instructions for the ‘raw’ jpegs it produces. This is all well and good, as long as you’re looking at the iPhone and only at the iPhone, but just as with Snapseed before it, you have to jump through hoops to get the pictures onto your …
Heat chemicals, add developer, gently agitate and tap to release any bubbles. Agitate every 30 seconds for 3:30, then pour developer back into the bottle. Add the blix and agitate (more gently than I did) every 30 seconds for 6:00. (Pour the blix back into the bottle.) Wash continuously for 3:00. It’s now safe to …
Capture One Pro: after 3 months…
After using it for ~3 months, the recent (all business) trip to Atlanta brought home a BIG problem I’m having with Capture One Pro, and one that may send me back to Lightroom for more operations…