I happened across a link to an instagram image today and discovered the new layout and design for the web version.* It’s pretty slick, but I noticed one thing that I found interesting… can you guess what it is?
Category Archives: Phoneography
Naps are Sunnah
and sometimes necessary… Alhamdulillah.
Ramadan Sunset (1)
Ramadan Mubarak!
May Allah azza wa jall guide us all to the best of this blessed month, may He give is the strength and focus to fast with our eyes, tongues, ears, and hands as easily as with our stomachs, and may He bring us closer to Him and His Mercy. Amin.
Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (2)
And there be pictures on that roll! MashaAllah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu Akbar! 6 minute stand at 80F, and 5 minutes continuous wash: easy!
Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (1)
After 6 weeks or so, I finally shot through the first roll of 50 year old Ansco Versapan. Strangely, it more or less jumped on the reel, so I’m curious to see what—if anything—the edge markings reveal. Equally strangely, the bottom of the film canister was loose… This was fortunate, since I seem to have …