365.236 it even smells like a street

If I were going to scribble out a picture of David Bowie strutting across the Diamond Dogs stage set like any other Candidate, I think it might look something like this… maybe. Incidentally, I’ve hit a point where I feel a bit stagnant on this project… that means, I think, that my ‘vision’ has expanded …

365.235 the new chandelier

As part of the renovations following the broken pipe and large hole in my bedroom floor, the apartment owners installed a new chandelier in the dining area. The new chandelier is much fancier than the old chandelier, which was not really a chandelier at all, to be honest, but more of a table lamp, inverted, …

365.232 in the zone

  Given the afternoon I have ahead of me—ice cream and movie at work that will keep me 2+ hours late, traffic due to lateness, cleaning momma’s house, etc.—it seems unlikely that I’ll have the energy or will ttlo shoot later. How fortuitous, then, that I decided to make this picture of myself earlier, fully …

365.231 magic carpet

Well, day one of moving back into my largely new apartment is complete, but I’m raring to start putting everything back together, and so I’m feeling rushed, and kinda wanted to just phone in the 365. I took a couple of shots with the iPhone earlier that looked almost acceptable on the phone, but failed …

365.230 ‘soft’ is not a great title…

I couldn’t really come up with anything better, but I’m sorta feeling rushed: lots of stuff to do over the next 2 after-works (plus what’s left of today’s), and if I can get it all done, I won’t have to take a half- or full day off work on Friday, and can keep my reputation …