Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (3 – problems)

So 50 year old Ansco still has some life in it and the R3 works very well and is super easy to use, but I encountered three problems. A couple are obviously user error, probably all of them are. Please. If you have any advice or suggestions, please please please pass them on.

Harmon films: the boxes

A couple of months ago, I picked up two rolls each of four Harmon films: Kentmere 100, Ilford FP4 Plus, Kentmere 400, and Ilford HP5 Plus. At the time, I had recently acquired two rolls of long-expired Ansco Versapan and gotten some interesting results with it and the R3 Monobath. I wanted to get started playing with …

Digital Darkroom Software Review: RawTherapee

Program: RawTherapee (version 4.2.1) Platforms Available Tested: Linux, Mac, Windows Installation: normal download dmg & drag app to Applications folder (or wherever you like). Easy. RawTherapee is a very powerful Raw file converter/developer… And I’ll just leave it at that. If you don’t believe me, just dive in to the RawPedia, the most thorough and easy …