Expired Ansco, meet R3 Monobath (3 – problems)

So 50 year old Ansco still has some life in it and the R3 works very well and is super easy to use, but I encountered three problems. A couple are obviously user error, probably all of them are. Please. If you have any advice or suggestions, please please please pass them on.

4×5 Roses: HP5+ vs. FP4+

A couple of months ago, I loaded up a bunch of film: 3 holders full of HP5+ and 2 of FP4+. I shot one holder of HP5 maybe a month ago, but they were horribly mis-focused and not correctly exposed. The rest have been sitting, wrapped in zip lock bags, not refrigerated, just waiting, waiting.

First outing with the Graphic View 4×5

Several months ago, Alex (Dad) gave me his Graphic View 4×5. I’ve used it as a subject a couple of times, but it otherwise languished, wrapped in plastic, precariously balanced on top of the file cabinet since the day I brought it home. Friday, Alex called to tell me that he found some film holders …