(Fashionably late to the) FP4 Party!

Well, this being the first full week of March (2019), it’s shoot week for the March edition of the FP4 Party, and I currently have a roll of 120 in the Cambo C2 holder, and am slowly shooting through it. Two weeks ago, the third, and last, full week in February was post week for …

Enter the Action Sampler (clear)

The EmulsiveSanta 2018 gift exchange program found me gifting my chrome Action Sampler. My victim recipient asked for the clear one, and, shame on me, within minutes of dropping the gift in the mail, I went on the ‘bay and found a clear Action Sampler (in Toys ‘R’ Us packaging, with a roll of long …

FP4+ Party!

I recall swearing off film parties last year sometime… I’m not going to look it up, but astute, regular readers (if there are any of you) might remember. But when the FP4+Party rolled around again, I ran to Don’s and picked up a couple of rolls, then came home and loaded one into the n8008 …

Leaving Atlanta

2 days (or one afternoon, one day, and one morning) is not enough time to see much at all, but Hana and I really did pack quite a bit in. We enjoyed Atlanta quite a bit: there’s a huge south Asian population there, and we ate at actual Bengali restaurants (you don’t find that in …