Polypan F 50 (Compania Imago)

It’s been so long since I shot and developed this roll that I don’t remember much about it… I got busy with all the rolls that I shot over Spring Break, and then it was all the birthday gift stuff (and there’s still stuff to share from that too). Apologies. Of the black & white …

At the Arboretum with Compania Imago’s Rollei CN 200

On day two of our excursions during Spring Break, Hana and I went to the Dallas Arboretum to catch the Spring blooms. Once again, the weather was lovely, and we had a nice time walking around and admiring the flowers and trees.

Staycation with Compania Imago’s Rollei CN 200

I had 5 days of rollover vacation that needed to be used before the end of Q1, so I took Spring Break off with Hana, and shot through loads of film. I’m very behind processing any of it, let alone sharing it, so bear with me for a bit. It was good to get away …

Compania Imago film thoughts

I’ve shot through a couple of rolls of Compania Imago films now and I’ve noticed a couple of things that they have in common, despite being films from different manufacturers and different vintages, and the first roll of Rollei CN200 I shot had some strange scratches and gouges that none of the others had.

Compania Imago’s film canisters

The big thing that interested me about Compania Imago is their film canisters… So many individuals and groups out there are winding old expired films into reclaimed canisters and putting new labels on them (and when/if I get a half frame 35mm camera, I plan to start playing with some from Labeauratoire and the friendly …

Testing Orwo NP7 (Compania Imago)

In yet another instance of my long and ongoing series of photographic failures, when I loaded the first roll of film from Compania Imago (Orwo NP7, expired in 1988), for some reason, I set the LC-A to f/2.8, thereby fixing the shutter speed at 1/60th. I think this was to prevent the LC-A from using unreasonably …