Harmon Films – Ilford FP4 Plus (2)

I was impressed with the FP4 Plus the first time I shot it and I was looking forward to shooting it again. And after shooting through a roll, developing and scanning it, and processing the files into pictures, it didn’t disappoint, as long as I took the time to compose and consider the outcome. 

Digital and Film: singing in the rain

When you plan your vacation around photography—as most other things—it’s a bit of a bummer when it rains the entire time, but there are at least two great things that rain offers to photography: shiny clean things and drops on windows.

Digital and Film, part 1

Back in December, I took a few days of vacation and travelled to see Mom up in Northwest Arkansas. In the days leading up to the trip, I hemmed and hawed over which camera(s) to take along, which lenses, films, what sort(s) of project(s) I might want to start/continue/pursue while there, etc., etc., etc. In …